Hooray! You can pre-order my book today at the end-of-year sale from Routledge. It will be released January 1.

Here again are three reviews from esteemed authors in the field:

From Eric Booth, Actor and author of The Everyday Work of Art, The Music Teachers’ Bible, Playing for Their Lives, and Tending the Perennials

”I guarantee that Lessons from Shakespeare’s Classroom will be the most surprising, most readable learning you will do all year, and that you will laugh out loud in every chapter. Zwounds!—hie thee to these pages most expeditiously.”

From Scott Newstok, author of How to Think like Shakespeare

“Lithgow’s book reanimates the Erasmian spirit of teaching in all the best ways: it’s artfully copious, humanely conversational, and models throughout a witty flair for drama. Her students were fortunate; now we are, too.”

From Louis Fantasia, Artistic Associate, Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles and author of  Instant Shakespeare and  Talking Shakespeare”Lithgow’s book

”Robin Lithgow has done anyone interested in Shakespeare or education (and more particularly those of us interested in both Shakespeare and education) a great service with her book. By detailing the classical grounding of Shakespeare’s writing she shows us the great tradition of which we are a part; a tradition that expands in its inclusivity as the world changes and evolves. This tradition is the “fertile soil” that contributed to the brilliance of Shakespeare’s generation and lights a path for our own. It is truly an “education for the benefit of the commonwealth,” which we perhaps need now more than ever.”

To pre-order go to:


Happy reading!


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